Wednesday, January 7, 2009

New Year, New Challenges

Well, 2008 is gone, and in a weird way, I'm both glad and sad to see it go. The year held momentous changes for me; a new program, a new job, a new city and a new home made things challenging, to put it mildly.

A year ago, I would have said that I handle change well, and I think, overall, that's true. But the older I get, it seems, the harder it is for me to let go of the unfamiliar and seek out the new. I don't suppose I'm the only one in that respect. But I found it awfully difficult to leave my house.

Not the job.

My beautiful house in Kansas, currently home to a nice young family who are renting it from us. If I could have picked it up and moved it north, I would have. I put a lot of myself into that home, and I miss it.

This year brings the new challenge of finding a truly new, permanent home. Our townhome already works well for us, but to have something permanent again, something that belongs to me and my family, will be a happy thing.

The year also brings another challenge: to be accepting of change, and to make positive health changes for myself. I want to start my semester (for me, also a point of new beginnings) with the firm resolution to get some exercise every morning. I might even draw up a star chart so that I can give myself a gold star for every day I spend 30 minutes actually exercising.

Finally, I'm looking forward to the challenge of making family my priority. I've missed everybody, and the true joy of the holidays for me was seeing so many of my nieces, nephews, cousins and second cousins, growing and thriving, in the bounty of love that is our family.

Peace be with all of you this year.
